Taiwan, a beautiful island! Once owned a large plot of forest with many wild animals. Because Taiwan's economic development needs, for over-exploitation ,resulting in harm to the animals mercilessly. Today there are more than 20 species of rare animals will be endangered; Formosan black bear,clouded leopard, the Mikado pheasant, pangolins, wide tail butterflies, salmon ...ect. In recent years the government has great importance to the promotion ,however limited effect, and animal life is valuable, there is no time to waste. Therefore we as a poster media ,the use of creative expression,hoping to awaken the people of Taiwan to the rare animals and to allow us to make a contribution. to Taiwan's rare animals, so that they can survive sustainability, so that Taiwan will be always beautiful ! —TAIWAN SOCIETY FOR THE PROTECTION OF RARE ANIMALS
TOUCH ME— Killing animals because of human desires, resulting in irreparable harm to life. this series of posters using the reverse of the creative concept of "a kind of touch me!" the sharp tone of the title, with a sharp blade and animals combine to convey the horror of visual images, wake up the public treasure of rare animals in taiwan.
・2010 YOUNG DESIGNERS EXHIBITION / Graphic Design / Bronze Award
・2010 Graphic and Advertising Design Award / Silver Award
・TdA「Beneficence Design」be selected
・Design technique:Computer Graphics,Fine drawing
TOUCH ME— Killing animals because of human desires, resulting in irreparable harm to life. this series of posters using the reverse of the creative concept of "a kind of touch me!" the sharp tone of the title, with a sharp blade and animals combine to convey the horror of visual images, wake up the public treasure of rare animals in taiwan.
・2010 YOUNG DESIGNERS EXHIBITION / Graphic Design / Bronze Award
・2010 Graphic and Advertising Design Award / Silver Award
・TdA「Beneficence Design」be selected
・Design technique:Computer Graphics,Fine drawing
台灣,我們美麗的寶島!曾經擁有大片的森林與眾多的野生動物。因為台灣經濟發展的須要,進行錯誤及過度的開發,造成對動物無情的傷害。如今有二十餘種珍貴的動物將瀕臨絕種;台灣黑熊、雲豹、帝雉、穿山甲、寬尾鳳蝶櫻花鉤吻鮭等......近年來政府已經重視並努力宣導,然而效果有限,且動物生命可貴刻不容緩!因此以海報做為媒材,運用創意表現,希望能喚醒台灣人對稀有動物的重視,讓我們一起為台灣的稀有動物盡一份心力,讓他們能夠永續存活下去,讓台灣永遠都美麗! —台灣稀有動物保護協會
有種碰我— 人類因為私慾而獵殺動物,造成生命無法彌補的傷害。本系列海報用反向創意概念以有種碰我!的尖銳口吻為標題,用鋒利刀片與動物結合傳達驚悚的視覺畫面唤醒大眾對台灣稀有動物的珍愛。
有種碰我— 人類因為私慾而獵殺動物,造成生命無法彌補的傷害。本系列海報用反向創意概念以有種碰我!的尖銳口吻為標題,用鋒利刀片與動物結合傳達驚悚的視覺畫面唤醒大眾對台灣稀有動物的珍愛。