BEAUTE ON, Singapore's leading anti-aging care brand, is proud to launch “BEAUTE EYE & SMILE LINE MASK”  a profoundly powerful dual-use eye and lip mask enriched with highly effective and soothing ingredients. The brand's new luxury packaging is made of composite materials and features a beautiful female face as the main visual. It carries the brand's spirit and the word "BEAUTE", which means beautiful, a beauty, and sublime in French. It also conveys information about the use and efficacy of the product in an easy-to-understand manner.
The box is made of translucent PP, which is a metaphor for water-like radiant skin through the translucent effect on the face and the texture through its reflective light. It also conveys the image of moisturizing and premium extracts contained within. Three symbols representing "beauty, technology and energy" are embellished below the eyes to convey the message of the product's use and efficacy. On the back, a flower blooming in the wheel of time represents the reversal of time and youthful rejuvenation. Through the precise structure and expressive visual effects, it epitomizes breaking of the shackles of time, and is a metaphor for the miracle of beauty brought about by the cutting-edge technology of the product.

BEAUTE EYE  “ 水與時光逆轉”
新加坡頂級抗老保養品牌BEAUTE ON,隆重推出富含高效舒緩成份的深層強效眼唇兩用面膜「BEAUTE EYE & SMILE LINE MASK」,本次爲其全新打造的複合媒材式獨特奢華包裝,外盒以優美的女性面容作為主視覺,貫穿品牌精神及產品名稱在法文中具有美麗、美女、崇高之意的「BEAUTE」一詞,亦同時淺顯易懂地傳遞出產品用途及功效等訊息。


The box is printed with gold and silver foil, conveying not only the superior quality of the product, but also the luxury of the visual enjoyment when using it. On the front side of the box, under the face with a see-through effect, an inner liner card is attached. The card is hand-embossed and screen-printed with pearlescent ink on Keaykolour paper with copper plates. This design and the outer box are complementary and harmonious. The outer box refers to a gorgeous woman with radiant makeup after rejuvenating her skin, while the inlaid card symbolizes an elegant woman with flawless skin. Together, they form a perfect woman, both inside and out. It encapsulates BEAUTE ON's vow to lead women on the path of beauty. Through natural, safe and effective ingredients, irrepressible confidence shines from the inside out.

象徵BEAUTE ON誓言帶女性走向美麗之路,以天然、安全並有效的成份,造就由內而外完美無瑕的自信。

Taipei City, Taiwan Region.